A Full Blog on YouTube Channel Optimization: 7 Video Marketing Tips for Marketers

8 min readSep 23, 2019


YouTube Optimization Tips
YouTube Optimization Tips (Source: KrishaWeb)

Business and its marketing have been changing, improving and introducing new techniques over time. From using posters and banners to the digital advertising of your business, the developing technology has a huge impact on the style and methodology of marketing.

In the form of digital marketing, YouTube has overtaken the majority of the advertisement and marketing industry long time back. There is no chance that any single person in any corner of this world is unaware of YouTube as it has spread all across the world like oceans on the earth.

Due to the popularity and several benefits, people are opting for YouTube optimization. The word “YouTube Optimization” might make you think, “oh! This one sounds like Newton’s law,” but in reality, it’s not! YouTube Optimization simply means the digital marketing of any business, such as a company, brand, or blog account via YouTube.

Essential Advertising Features from YouTube

YouTube is not only the source of entertainment, but it also offers excellent features that make YouTube a better advertising platform. Owning your own YouTube channel is quite an effective way for the marketing of your brand, product, or online service. YouTube allows you to upload, share, view, comment on videos, date, and subscribe to channels. YouTube even allows you to customize your channel or account according to the type of content your channel is representing.

As easy as creating a YouTube channel is, that difficulty is to do video marketing and build a successful YouTube channel. But don’t worry; it’s not rocket science when you know what and how to do it!

Here is a list of 7 things that you should need to know as a video marketer for building a successful YouTube channel:

Know Who You Are and What You Want to Achieve

Setting your mind and knowing who you are and what is your aim to achieve is quite the basic part of your YouTube optimization. Just imagine, you don’t know what you want and what is that you want to achieve along with the motive and type of audience that you want to attract, it will be a mess.

You should know your target and decide about the type of service or brand that you want to promote using video marketing services of YouTube. The niche of your YouTube channel must be clear to your audience. When you know what you want to achieve, it will become very convenient for you to build a successful YouTube channel.

Do Your Research

Simply creating a YouTube channel without any knowledge about the product and niche of your business will do no benefit to your marketing business as it is like walking down the unknown road with a blindfold.

For any business, knowing a particular niche is very important. You already established your identity in the first step. Now, do your proper research on the niche that you want to follow before entering completely into video marketing.

Go and type the keywords in the search bar of YouTube, which will give you the topmost and popular results worldwide. Check out all the popular and famous channels that fall into your niche and try to analyze and learn.

While typing the keyword in the search bar, always choose wise words, as asking the appropriate question will give you proper answers which will make you wise and smart YouTube users.

After completing your visual research, write down all the important points that you get to know such as:

  • points which make the other famous YouTube channels what they are now
  • Why do people subscribe
  • What is the tactic that is used by them to maintain the attention of the target audience
  • Compare your channel and know what the important factors and changes that are to be included in your channel are

When you are done with following these points, you can proceed to the next step.

Identify Your Audience

Know the type of target audience that you want to attract and communicate with your service or product. The target audience is the one who will be engaging and involving themselves potentially in your channel and consuming the content provided by your channel.

It’s very important to consider and take care of the needs of the target audience. When it comes to the development of your product services, you can come up with new inventions and innovations to help you, the consumers, and the seller.

It’s not possible to please all the audiences as you cannot be everyone’s favorite. One may right like your content and at the same time another time, another might dislike it. Don’t run after the factor pleasing all the people as it will not benefit you, but it will make you lose even the target audience.

Try to narrow your YouTube channel target audience as it will help your YouTube Optimization shine bright in the business. Narrowing your target audience will help your channel gain proper popularity. Keep your identity firm, which will help you gain a loyal and constant audience for your brand.

Video is a Still Content, You Need To Start With an Audience

You cannot hope for a successful business of YouTube channel without an audience! I mean, how is that even possible in imagination?

The content not only includes written blogs or articles, but videos also fall in Uber this category. Video is also content that is highly viewed.

The audience is attracted to the video when they are interested in the content. With that being said, you can expect to gain a target audience by uploading a video that lacks the power of content.

As it is said, “content is the king,” content rules the business world and has become an important aspect of the business world. Content is the golden factor that attracts the audience. You need to decide what type of content you want to post and what the audience that your content will gain is.

“Video Views” Rule on YouTube Rankings/YouTube Video Views Rule!

Gaining a proper quantity of views for your video is essential. Several factors help in gaining good rankings, but the most significant is the quality views as it will affect the ranking of your channel.

The top-ranked videos normally have 10,000 views or more, but it’s not compulsory to reach such a number of views as 3,000 to 3,600 views are more than sufficient to boost up your rankings.

Once your video reaches the level of thousand views, it automatically has the factor that is needed to rank higher.

When you are a beginner, you may need to learn some techniques for the marketing of your video;

  • Collaboration or Cross-promotion: Make a list of nearly 10–20 users with potentially strong subscribers base and email them offering to create a video with them. The collaborations will be a fresh change for your channel which will give a new and unique look to your channel. When you appear on other popular channels, your name will be mentioned in the description section below as a special video guest.
  • Make it available on our blog or website: You can even mention the link or video on your blog or website which will help you gain views, as when the visitors of the customer visit your website, they can view the video. Don’t think that the view will be not counted as the view from your website will be included in the view list.
  • Promotion or advertising: You can ask to buy or purchase ads on which will help you to promote your videos. It is a good idea if you have fewer subscribers.

Don’t Waste Those Views! Here’s How To Make Them Count

Take the full advantage of video marketing services offered by YouTube. The main point of having a YouTube channel is not only the views but also for the successful running of your business by capturing the attention of your target audience and guiding them to your product, website, or blog.

After gaining the attention of your audience, you can follow these steps to make your views count;

  • Invite the audience with a call to action in every video (either at the beginning, middle or at the end)
  • Add a link in the video which will be convenient for the audience to approach your channel

Engage With Your Users and Collect Feedback

Feedback is the factor that can build or break your business. The YouTube checks how the viewers react and engage with the video by viewing their feedbacks, and according to this feedbacks, your channels will be rated.

The feedback includes;

  • Overall Views: The overall views of your video will decide the fate of the video. If the video gains a lot of views without any external help, then it may be valued more. As you gain more views Ranking will be high.
  • Thumb Rating: The like or dislike or the virtual representation of thumbs up or thumbs down will decide the ratings of your video. The number of thumbs up means high rating, and more number of thumbs down will decrease the ratings.
  • Number of Subscribers: When people like your video, they will definitely subscribe to your channel to stay updated. The more number of subscribers, the better the ratings.
  • Comments: The positive comments will have a good impact on your videos as well as the channel. You will gain both positive and negative comments, but don’t be disheartened, but focus on the positive comments as they will be a good factor for your channels rankings.
  • Shares and Favorites: These two factors also help your videos to heighten up the ratings. More shares on social media and favorites, the more will be the rating.


YouTube is the best place for the optimization of your business, content and offers a fantastic video marketing services. YouTube has billions and billions of viewers per day, so it’s not very difficult for you. I have explained some of the important points that will help you if you are opting for YouTube Optimization. All you need to do is set your mind and execute the plan.




Written by KrishaWeb

A Full-Service Digital Agency offering Web Design, UI UX Design, Open Source Development, Framework Development, and Digital Marketing to global clients.

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